· ஐக்கிய நாடுகளின் கல்வி அறிவியல் மற்றும் பண்பாட்டு அமைப்பு (யுனெஸ்கோ) விடுக்கும் எச்சரிக்கை மணி:
இந்திய நடுவண் அரசின் காதில் விழவில்லையே !
யுனெஸ்கோ வலைப்பதிவைக் காண கீழ்க் காணும் வலைத் தொடர்பை சொடுக்குக:
http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.php URL_ID=28497&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=205.htm
http://portal.unesco.org/education/en/ev.php URL_ID=28497&URL_DO=DO_TOPIC&URL_SECTION=205.htm
i). உலகத்தின் தாய் மொழிகளை , குறிப்பாக சிறிய இனத்தைச் சார்ந்த மொழிகளை ஆதரித்திடவும் , வளர்த்திடவுமே , அனைத்துலக் தாய் மொழி நாள் ஆண்டு தோறும் பிப்ரவரி திங்கள் ௨௧ (21) –ஆம் நாள் கொண்டாடப்பட்டு வருகிறது .
ii ). UNESCO REPORT : A Critical Analysis in the Indian Context :
ii ). UNESCO REPORT : A Critical Analysis in the Indian Context :
QUOTE : "The lesson of the story is that whenever the establishment or those who are at the helm of affairs curb the mother language of people of a state and try to impose an alien language over the country in matters of state or education, the results are bound to be disastrous for the country because such an untenable and foolish policy has ingredients in it to disintegrate the society and prove harmful to the country’s ethos, values and culture. Unfortunately, this is the policy which is being pursued by our rulers in India for last more than four decades or so. This writer will come to this matter a bit later.
It is estimated that half of the world’s 6000 to 7000 languages are facing the risk of dying out and may disappear in the next 20 years. Take the case of Indian languages. The VIII schedule of the Constitution specifies our regional or state languages viz. Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu etc.
It is estimated that half of the world’s 6000 to 7000 languages are facing the risk of dying out and may disappear in the next 20 years. Take the case of Indian languages. The VIII schedule of the Constitution specifies our regional or state languages viz. Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Kashmiri, Konkani, Malayalam, Manipuri, Marathi, Nepali, Oriya, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Sindhi, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu etc.
It It is unfortunate that the elite of the country is imposing on the country a language other than the child’s mother tongue in matters of his education even at primary stage just to serve their vested interests and fulfill their nefarious designs against all the tenets of education. They are giving so much primacy to English at this level that the Indian languages face a grave risk of decay and denigration. Some chief ministers and bureaucrats at the helm of affairs in various states have introduced English in addition to the mother tongue or regional language at the primary stage against all principles of education and are flouting the language policy of the Central Government with impunity and the greatest tragedy in this context is that the NCERT is abetting the vested interests in their evil designs with inputs from its own side and turning schools into what can be termed as “torture cells.”
It It is unfortunate that the elite of the country is imposing on the country a language other than the child’s mother tongue in matters of his education even at primary stage just to serve their vested interests and fulfill their nefarious designs against all the tenets of education. They are giving so much primacy to English at this level that the Indian languages face a grave risk of decay and denigration. Some chief ministers and bureaucrats at the helm of affairs in various states have introduced English in addition to the mother tongue or regional language at the primary stage against all principles of education and are flouting the language policy of the Central Government with impunity and the greatest tragedy in this context is that the NCERT is abetting the vested interests in their evil designs with inputs from its own side and turning schools into what can be termed as “torture cells.”
ஏ . இந்திய பொருளாதார நிபுணர் சுவாமிநாதனின் அபாய சங்கு :
ஏ . இந்திய பொருளாதார நிபுணர் சுவாமிநாதனின் அபாய சங்கு :
· சுவாமினாமிக்ஸ் என்ற பகுதியில் S. A . அய்யர் டைம்ஸ் ஒப் இந்தியா நாளிதழில் (31 --01 -2010) பள்ளி முதல் வகுப்பு களில் ஆங்கிலம் கற்பிக்காதே! என எச்சரிக்கை விட்டு தாய் மொழிக்கவியின் மாண்பினை அறைகூவல் விடுத்துக் கூறுகிறார்!
· அவர் மொழியிலேயே காண்க : கீழே உள்ள வலைப்பதின் முகவரியை சொடுக்குக:
QUOTE : "Don’t teach English to your children in Class I. S A Aiyar, 31 January 2010, 12:09 AM IST
QUOTE : "Don’t teach English to your children in Class I. S A Aiyar, 31 January 2010, 12:09 AM IST
· i). A recent news report highlighted the fact that only 48.3% of Indian children in Class 1 could read the English alphabet, even in big capital letters. The annual education audit by the NGO Pratham showed that Gujarat had the worst record: only 25.3% of Gujarati children could read capital letters in English, and only 8% could read English sentences. To rectify this, and join the globalisation bandwagon, the Gujarat government proposes to teach English in Class 1. Other states are making similar moves.
ii). Yet this is an error. Global research shows that children should learn reading and writing in their mother tongue first. Only after they can read fluently at a minimum of 45-60 words per minute can they absorb what they are reading. Such fluency is most easily achieved in the mother tongue. Once that is established, learning a second language becomes much easier.
ii). Yet this is an error. Global research shows that children should learn reading and writing in their mother tongue first. Only after they can read fluently at a minimum of 45-60 words per minute can they absorb what they are reading. Such fluency is most easily achieved in the mother tongue. Once that is established, learning a second language becomes much easier.
iii). Premature teaching of a second language — like English — can prevent a child from learning to read fast enough in its mother tongue. Early reading and writing is vital: children that cannot do so fluently by Class 2 will likely never catch up with classmates in higher classes.
iii). Premature teaching of a second language — like English — can prevent a child from learning to read fast enough in its mother tongue. Early reading and writing is vital: children that cannot do so fluently by Class 2 will likely never catch up with classmates in higher classes.
iv).These insights flow from research on the neurological foundations of learning. In “Efficient Learning for the Poor: Insights From the Frontier of Cognitive Neuro sceience”, educationalist Helen Abadzi shows that human short-term memory works well for up to 12 seconds. So, within 12 seconds, a person should be able to read a sentence (or complete grammatical unit), process its meaning, and classify and file it within his or her mental library (what experts call “cognitive networks”).
iv).These insights flow from research on the neurological foundations of learning. In “Efficient Learning for the Poor: Insights From the Frontier of Cognitive Neuro sceience”, educationalist Helen Abadzi shows that human short-term memory works well for up to 12 seconds. So, within 12 seconds, a person should be able to read a sentence (or complete grammatical unit), process its meaning, and classify and file it within his or her mental library (what experts call “cognitive networks”).
v). In a separate work, Abadzi writes “people must be able to read one word per second, or per 1.5 seconds at the outside, to be functional readers. If they read more slowly than that, they find that they have forgotten the beginning of their sentence by the time they reach the end.” Children struggle to decode letters of a new language. If they cannot read fast enough, then all their mental attention is taken up in decoding the letters, and no attention is left for grasping the meaning of the text.
v). In a separate work, Abadzi writes “people must be able to read one word per second, or per 1.5 seconds at the outside, to be functional readers. If they read more slowly than that, they find that they have forgotten the beginning of their sentence by the time they reach the end.” Children struggle to decode letters of a new language. If they cannot read fast enough, then all their mental attention is taken up in decoding the letters, and no attention is left for grasping the meaning of the text.
vi). If a child cannot read quickly, it cannot follow what textbooks or teachers are conveying. All schooling can bypass such children. They can spend eight years in school and remain functionally illiterate. This, alas, is common in India.
vi). If a child cannot read quickly, it cannot follow what textbooks or teachers are conveying. All schooling can bypass such children. They can spend eight years in school and remain functionally illiterate. This, alas, is common in India.
vii). This is not an argument against learning two or three languages. Indeed, children under 8 earn new languages most easily. But research shows that proficiency in one language makes it easier to master a second. Learning the first language expands the cognitive networks of a child’s mind, making it easier to grasp the same concepts in a second language.
vii). This is not an argument against learning two or three languages. Indeed, children under 8 earn new languages most easily. But research shows that proficiency in one language makes it easier to master a second. Learning the first language expands the cognitive networks of a child’s mind, making it easier to grasp the same concepts in a second language.
viii). Rich children with pre-school education enter school with a vocabulary of 3,000 words, but poor children may have a vocabulary of just 500 words. So, poor children already struggle to keep up in Class 1. Their struggles can become intolerable if they have to learn a second language.
viii). Rich children with pre-school education enter school with a vocabulary of 3,000 words, but poor children may have a vocabulary of just 500 words. So, poor children already struggle to keep up in Class 1. Their struggles can become intolerable if they have to learn a second language.
ix). Abadzi recounts an experiment from Zambia. Initially, children were taught both English and the local language from class1. In an experiment, some schools taught only oral reading in Class 1 and English writing from class 2. The results were astounding. Earlier, reading scores of children were on average two grades less than the standard benchmark in English, and three grades lower in the local language. But once English was introduced at a later stage, reading and writing scores shot up 575% above the benchmark in class 1, 2,417% higher in Class 2, and 3,300 % higher in class 3. Scores in the local language showed similar upward leaps. The system was then extended to all schools in Zambia.
ix). Abadzi recounts an experiment from Zambia. Initially, children were taught both English and the local language from class1. In an experiment, some schools taught only oral reading in Class 1 and English writing from class 2. The results were astounding. Earlier, reading scores of children were on average two grades less than the standard benchmark in English, and three grades lower in the local language. But once English was introduced at a later stage, reading and writing scores shot up 575% above the benchmark in class 1, 2,417% higher in Class 2, and 3,300 % higher in class 3. Scores in the local language showed similar upward leaps. The system was then extended to all schools in Zambia.
x). This holds a lesson for India. English skills are undoubtedly important, and give us a big edge over China. Poor parents are keenly aware that English language skills improve earning ability, and so many have switched their children from government schools to private schools claiming to teach in the English medium.
x). This holds a lesson for India. English skills are undoubtedly important, and give us a big edge over China. Poor parents are keenly aware that English language skills improve earning ability, and so many have switched their children from government schools to private schools claiming to teach in the English medium.
xi). Gujarati parents say, “My child already speaks Gujarati: why teach that again in school? Why not English?” That logic sounds impeccable, but is mistaken. Once a child has become good in Gujarati, it will more easily become proficient in English. The issue is not one of Gujarati versus English. Rather, good Gujarati is a sound foundation for good English.
xi). Gujarati parents say, “My child already speaks Gujarati: why teach that again in school? Why not English?” That logic sounds impeccable, but is mistaken. Once a child has become good in Gujarati, it will more easily become proficient in English. The issue is not one of Gujarati versus English. Rather, good Gujarati is a sound foundation for good English.
xii). Faced with half-empty classrooms in government schools, some state overnments plan to introduce English from class 1 to win back students. That would be a serious error. English is important. But even more important is reading and writing in your mother tongue."
xii). Faced with half-empty classrooms in government schools, some state overnments plan to introduce English from class 1 to win back students. That would be a serious error. English is important. But even more important is reading and writing in your mother tongue."
ஐ .இந்திய அரசின் கொள்கை வரைவின் மாற்றம் :
தாய்மொழிகள் அழியின் ஏற்படும் தீய விளைவுகளைக் கருதியும், தாய் மொழிவழிக் கல்வியின் கட்டாயம் கருதியும், அறிவியல் அடிப்படையிலும், உளவியல் அடிப்படையிலும், அரசியல் அடிப்படையிலும், பல ஆய்வுகளின் முடிந்த முடிபாக யுனெஸ்கோவும், எஸ். ஏ. ஐயர் போன்ற பத்திரிக்கையாளர்களும் ஆரம்பக் கல்வியிலாவது தாய்மொழிக் கல்வி கட்டாயமாக்கப் படவேண்டுமென அறிவித்துள்ளனர். எனவே ஆரம்பக் கல்வியில் தாய்மொழி வழிக் கல்வி நம் நாட்டரசின் கொள்கை வரைவாக அறிவித்தல் செய்தல் வேண்டும். இது காலத்தின் கட்டாயம் . இதனை இதுகாறும் இந்திய அரசின் உயர் அலுவலர்கள் ஏற்காமல் விளைவுகளை அறிந்தே உதாசீனப் படுத்தியுள்ளனர் என்பது வெள்ளிடை மலை . தாய் மொழி வழிக் கல்வியில் காலம் தாழ்த்தாத அரசின் கொள்கை முடிவின் மாற்றம் நம் நாட்டின் கோடிக் கணக்கான ஏழை எளிய மக்களின் ஏற்றமே ! அவர்கள் கல்விக் கடன் சுமையிலிருந்து மீளவும், அறிவாளிகளும், சிந்தனையாளரும் தோன்றிடவும், தமிழ் உள்ளிட்ட பல இந்திய மொழிகள் அழிவின் விளிம்பிலிருந்து காப்பாற்றவும் முடியும்.
..............மேலும் வளரும்
..............மேலும் வளரும்
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